Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What do Cowboys, exotic animals, and artichokes have in Common?

I am so EXCITED! My brother called me tonight and has 2 extra box seat tickets to tomorrow's Dallas Cowboys game, and I get to go! For those of you who don't know I am a native Texan and therefore a natural born Cowboys fan. My husband, Wayne, is a HUGE Eagles fan. I am dragging him along "kicking and screaming." I actually think he is excited about going. He says, "It's worth it just to see the new stadium." Don't worry -- I will make a Cowboys fan out of him yet.

I am also excited because we booked Phillip's birthday party tonight. His birthday is not until October, but his party sounds so cool! It is going to be at our home, and a wildlife expert is going to come and show the kids some exotic animals (all of which have been rescued) and present a program on conservation. We are going to collect gifts for the Humane Society in lieu of gifts for Phillip. We can take them to the actual shelter here they will use the gifts and he can see where and how the things/money he collects will be used. This will be much better than having a rand new set of toys to clutter his room.

The other thing I did today was make roasted artichokes. I know, they are not raw, but I had never had one and was eager to try, and they are vegan, after all. It wasn't hard to make, just a little time consuming at first. When Wayne came home he looked puzzled and was not very excited about eating artichokes for dinner. However, they were delicious, and surprisingly very filling! Turns out they have tons of fiber (10.3 grams to be exact). When I told my brother (who is a chef) what I was making he called the heart the treasure and it really was the best part. Wayne can't wait to have them again. Overall it has been a very good day!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mangolicious Green Smoothie Recipe

In order to start my green smoothie day off right this morning I decided to a little experimentation. I had a fresh bunch of Rainbow Chard that I was determined to use. Honestly, swiss chard is not my favorite green. I think it has a bit of a funky aftertaste. That being said, I believe in rotating my greens, and Rainbow Chard is so pretty it is hard to pass up. The smoothie I made this morning had absolutely no aftertaste, though, and I may find swiss chard a more regular part of my green smoothie regimen because this one was VERY YUMMY!
I cut up about 1 - 1 and a 1/2 cups of chard, a very ripe mango, a banana, a slice of lemon, and the brown stuff in the pic is tamarind. This is a fruit I discovered just this summer and to me, it tastes like a mix between an apricot and a prune with just a hint of sour. I put all of the fruit in the Vitamix with a cup of water and a cup of ice and blended it until smooth. Then I added the chopped chard and blended again.
Try it -- You will like it!

Monday, August 30, 2010

1st day of school

We started school today. One of the benefits of home schooling is that you can start whenever you want. It was definitely interesting having Phillip at home and we very quickly learned that we needed headphones for the computer. Jake and Emma will definitely learn how to work through distractions. Overall, Phillip was great. We did handwriting, worked on letters and phonics, counted to 100, did some addition, and began a health unit on the likenesses and differences between boys and girls, and sex (he has been asking where girl's pee comes out). I think the sex part was his favorite part, but he is a boy after all (ha! ha!).

I am exhausted! One thing I didn't mention in my summer update blog yesterday is that I also had a hysterectomy, less than two weeks ago actually. I am fine (no pathology), and I am healing nicely, but I get so tired and sore. Tomorrow I am taking it a little easy -- we may do reading in a big family pile in my bed. We started The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I had almost forgotten what a fun book it is to read. I get such a kick out of watching Emma and Jake roll their eyes when I tell them what we will be reading and then begging to read one more chapter.

Well, I took my pain medicine about 20 minutes ago so I better log off before I reach la-la land.
Tomorrow is a green smoothie day for me -- I'll be home all day so I'm going to have a love affair with my Vitamix and drink all the greens I can! I am looking forward to it!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Approaching the School Year with Reluctant Eagerness

Summer break is coming to a close all too quickly. While part of me longs for the return to routines and schedules and the busyness of all of the extra curricular school year activities, part of me is dragging my feet. I will miss lazy mornings, jumping in the pool just because it is hot outside, fresh tomatoes and peaches, reading good books, and just plain old playing with the kids.

Since I home school we have the flexibility to start school whenever we want and believe me, I have strongly considered not starting until after Labor day, but I have to admit there is something about "knowing what I am going to do each day" that is attractive to me. I also love the way newly sharpened pencils and fresh clean notebook paper smell. There is an excitement in putting together new notebooks and opening the boxes that contain all our school materials for the year. I always get a kick out of watching Emma's eyes grow big as she looks ahead toward the sentences she will be masterfully diagramming by the end of the year.

Planning ahead is not only for school work, though. The schedule of the school year also forces me to be very intentional about planning my meals and snacks throughout the day. This year it will be even more so as Jake and Emma are taking a couple of classes outside the home that I will have to be out and about during times I would normally be at home. We are planning fresh fruit and vegetable options, and it is time to get my dehydrator revved up again. If you know any good raw food dehydrator recipes, especially for bars and such, please pass them along to me.

To update you on other things That happened this summer: I finished my five month boot camp at the beginning of this month. It was quite the commitment -- 6 days a week for an hour a day at 5:30 in the morning. I learned lots of ways to get protein as a mostly raw vegan, and I have a little 4 pack to prove it. While I have enjoyed having most of August off I am considering doing it again. I gained such a sense of accomplishment by committing to the regimen, and I feel as though my body has responded amicably. It is hard for me to believe that it was just three years ago that I was was overweight, lethargic, and very sick. Today, I feel like a picture of health and energy thanks to a change in intake philosophy. A raw diet and exercise have indeed changed my life!

Jake, our 13 year old, went to Scotland and Northern Ireland and had the time of his life! He rally enjoyed it. It was interesting to me that he said tings such as, "Mom, you wouldn't believe how quiet it was there," or "My favorite time was the time I spent hiking the mountain alone." When his grandmother asked him what was the most important thing he learned after thoughtful consideration he said, "I learned that no matter where you live in the world all people build their own kinds of fences." I am so glad that we made some sacrifices so that he could have that opportunity.

Emma and Jake had an excellent swimming season! They both went to "A regionals" and Jake even qualified to swim in the state competition, doing better than he ever thought he could do. It was so much fun to watch them excel. Phillip also learned how to really swim this summer, in large part, due to his sister teaching him everything she knows. He has become quite the fish.

Wayne's work is going well and we have just enjoyed spending time with each other and our family this summer. His mother and my parents both came to visit at different times, and it was a nice to be with them. I did some itinerant preaching in mostly small, country churches this summer which was very refreshing. I also read several good books, including Infidel and Eat, Pray, Love, both of which I highly recommend. Unfortunately, my tomato plant only produced 2 tomatoes, but that is 2 more than last year. I will keep trying this thumb of mine, hopefully one day it may get a green tint. Until then thank God for the Farmer's Market and Whole Foods!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Alive and Kicking!

I can't believe it has been since April that I last wrote! I have had so many irons in the fire I lost track of time. If you are a parent, you know all about the end of the school year hustle and bustle. We had dance recitals, and dance pictures, T-ball games, and T-ball pictures, Kindergarten graduation performances, and kindergarten pictures, and Chorus concerts, and, you guessed it, chorus pictures. My parents visited. Wayne's mom visited. All of that was quickly followed by Jake's trip to Scotland which was much harder on me than I would like to admit. I stood in the airport waving goodbye and crying my eyes out (something I had promised myself I wouldn't do).
I don't think I slept by a couple hours a night the whole time he was gone. The good news is I was very productive! I have been working on editing 2 books for a very good friend of mine, and I was able to complete that (They are very good books and I will be talking it up as it gets closer to publish date). I was able to write a few sermons and I preached a few times. I carted Emma and Phillip back and forth to summer camps and swim practices. I went o the doctor and to the dentist. I dug in at boot camp and worked my butt off. The time went by quickly and Jake is back home now. He had the time of his life! I am so glad we let him go -- he seems to have grown up so much!
Speaking of boot camp -- I am in the home stretch -- only 1 month left. I feel so good! I will be posting pics soon. It has been very challenging, but very rewarding! I have even donned a bikini in public this summer, and I am down to a size 6. But boot camp is not all about the exercise; it is also about fueling your body. My mostly raw diet has provided me excellent fuel and results! The only problem is that I feel like I eat all day long! I eat enormous amounts of fruits and veggies all day long to ensure that I get the proper caloric intake. I am definitely not one to skip a meal!
I am enjoying the fruits (and veggies) of summer so very much! I think I have eaten the best watermelon I have ever put in my mouth this summer. The heirloom tomatoes are so delicious and I have even had a couple from my own backyard. My tomato plant is still alive -- that is quite an accomplishment for me! The cherries and blueberries have been so sweet and juicy! And I love the local peaches, squash, and green beans.
I hope you like the new look of the blog and will continue to follow me on my journey toward reclaiming my health and my life!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Physical health leads to Spiritual Health

Judging from all of the emails I have received about yesterday's entry, I am apparently not alone on the running thing. Thank you all for your responses -- I was beginning to think I was the only one who did not like to run. I really don't mind the exercise, in fact, once I finally make it to the gym, it makes me feel a lot better. I have found that when I feel good about my body, that good feeling translates to other areas of my life as well. I feel more confident, I sleep better, I feel more focused, I care more about what I eat, etc.
The first few weeks I was doing boot camp I felt like getting up at 4:45 was possibly the worst thing I had ever committed myself to do. However, the last few weeks (it is hard to believe I have been on this regimen for seven and a half weeks now) I have been waking up even before the alarm goes off, and I have been wide awake and ready for the day.
There are things I like about getting up early. For instance, 4:45 is the only time of day when my house is completely quiet and I can be totally alone. I like to sit in my favorite chair all by myself and read a devotion. No one is competing for my attention, putting their feet on me, or asking me to do something else. I also have a private time to pray. I feel as though waking up for boot camp has not only improved my physical health, but my spiritual health as well. Funny how that works.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Confessions of a wanna-be (not really) runner.

I have always admired those people who put on their dry-fit clothing and running shorts and step out of their front doors to "go for a run." Recently, my sister-in-law and her husband were visiting and he stepped out for a little over an hour one day so that he could run a measly ten miles. I must admit, I was jealous. In my mind I am a runner. I can picture myself training for a marathon. I can imagine getting that "runner's high." I can feel that need to finish the race somewhere deep down inside of me.
Running seems like it would be a great way to exercise, especially right now -- when the weather is so nice. I always think that I want to do it; that I want to be a runner... then I try it. I think some people are just not meant to be runners, and I must be one of those people. No matter how much I want to like it -- I simply don't. In fact, I might even say I don't like it at all. I can ride a bike, I can get on an elliptical machine, and heck, I can even row until the cows come home. BUT I CANNOT RUN! I DO NOT WANT TO RUN! I DO NOT LIKE TO RUN! There, I said it. It is all out in the open. I feel much better now.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Convenience Foods

Today I discovered Vega -- bars and shakes for vegans. These products are all or mostly raw and are designed for athletes. While I would not yet consider myself to be an athlete, I am working on it. I must say that both the bar I had and the shake were quite tasty. I guess they have always been at my local Whole Foods Store, but I only noticed them for the first time today. It is so nice to have high quality whole foods with convenience!
Sometimes the very thing that keeps us from eating healthy is the idea that we don't have the time to prepare healthy meals. I am a very busy mother of three who knows what it is like to juggle 20 things at a time. When my doctors first suggested to me that I become vegetarian almost one year ago fear and dread ran through my mind as I thought, "What am I going to eat and where am I going to buy it?" As someone who spends most of her afternoons as a taxi driver, convenience foods (read - fast food standard American Diet) were a huge part of our lives. I thought that either I would have to learn to like fast food salads or starve. Boy was I wrong. I found it is just as quick to run into the grocery and pick up an apple or banana as it was to wait in the drive thru line. I also discovered nuts and seeds, and almost all grocery stores sell well made organic salads. There are so many raw bars and snacks out there that I didn't even know about -- I just had to look for them and ask where I could find them.
Now, I don't have time to not eat a healthy meal. Now, I can't even imagine eating the way I used to eat -- I realize that the standard American Diet was sucking the life right out of me!
One way to see what you are really putting into your body is to keep a food journal. There are so many easy to use websites that have free calorie counters. It will open your eyes when you see that one cup of low-fat soup and half of a cafe sandwich at a local "healthy fast food alternative" contains over 100% of your daily sodium, or how just one hamburger can destroy your fat and caloric intake. There are so many better choices out there, and they are just as easy. You are so worth putting just a little effort into eating well. You can do it! I promise, it will change your life.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Good Experience

Well today I am one step closer to becoming a member of Grace Presbytery in Dallas. I met with the Committee of Ministry today and they have recommended me. It is always a bit stressful to go through examination, but the committee was very nice and welcoming, and they made me feel very comfortable. I was excited to meet such wonderful people. Thank you also to all of my friends and colleagues who were gracious enough to give me such wonderful references. Thank you to my family and friends for your support and encouragement through this entire process.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day at the Park

Today Jake and Emma went and studied in the park. It was a lot of fun! Jake was reading a book on Marco Polo and Emma was learning about Marie Antoinette. We had just picked the books up at the library and the kids were complaining about having to read them (they were too long and boring). However, after about ten minutes of reading they started piping up asking me, "Did you know that Marco Polo.....," or "Marie Antoinette was in prison for....." It was pretty cool that they were getting into their books. I wish we could study in the park every day -- it just makes all of the senses so much more alert and alive!
We took a picnic lunch and I had a wonderful salad with the season's best tomatoes -- so YUMMY! They were little yellow tomatoes -- I don't remember what they were called, but they were so sweet. I also had some goji berry trail mix (walnuts, raw pumpkin seeds, and raw sunflower seeds) and a pink lady apple (pink ladies are my favorite -- they have just the right amount of tart and sweet).
Summer is right around the corner and I have many inquiries as of late about a raw food lifestyle. I think many people are just trying to get in better shape for summer, but some are wanting something more from their foods. If you want to see what really living feels like then give it a try. Live raw foods will make your body and mind ready for living!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Excellent Spring Weekend

I have had a difficult time getting going today. Wayne was out of town all weekend so I missed my weekend and Monday came too soon for me this morning. I forced myself to get out of bed when the alarm went off at 4:45 this morning. I am glad I did, because by the time I finished at the gym I already felt a little better just knowing I had accomplished something.
I did a little experiment this weekend and ate lots more raw foods because my face was breaking out. Guess what, it significantly cleared up! I wish I would have taken a before and after picture. My body just agrees with raw foods. I know what works for it and I am going to stick with that.
The kids and I had fun this weekend, even though we missed Wayne. We were very active. We went on a 4 mile bike ride at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve and a 2.5 mile hike at the Heard Museum of Natural Science. It was a beautiful spring weekend for being outdoors. Phillip also had 2 soccer games. Needless to say I am exhausted and now it is only Monday! Off to bed for me!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Another Green Smoothie Day

I had a green smoothie day today! I have been noticing that ever since I started eating some cooked foods (mostly fish and beans) to try and get some protein back in my diet that my skin has started to break out again. So I did some research and discovered that Pea Protein and Hemp Protein are very good sources for vegans and have been trying them out. The first smoothie I had was strawberries, banana, orange, kale, with pea protein. The second was strawberry, banana, mango, kale, with help protein and 1/2 serving of pea protein. I must say they were quite tasty. I can't believe the hemp protein had 14 grams of fiber. Things ought to be moving well in the morning. It felt good to eat almost all fruits and veggies today. I feel as though I have much more energy and hopefully it will help me clear up my skin. I'll let you know.
My brother and sister-in-law are in town searching for a new home. It is such an exciting and stressful time in their lives (preparing to move a family to a new city is quite an undertaking), but we are so glad they will be moving close. It will be very nice to have family in the area! Phillip can't wait to play with his cousins and Emma can't wait to help babysit them. Jake is just excited. I hope they find the perfect house and that the move goes smoothly and just the way they want.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Raw Challenge

Just when I think I am over being sore I am sore all over again! Sore in a good way -- lets me know my muscles are working. Speaking of being in working order, I finally got my lab results back from when I went to the endocrinologist week before last. Sometimes my labs take a bit longer because they have to do some specialized calcium and protein tests that are sent off. That being said, IT WAS ALL GOOD NEWS!
My endocrinologist is so happy and proud of me! He said, "please don't change a thing, just keep doing exactly what you are doing." I am so EXCITED! I was typing up some information on raw diet resources for a woman that goes to our church who is interested in learning more about it, and I couldn't stress enough how much this lifestyle has changed everything for me. If you are curious, even the slightest bit -- I dare you to try a raw food diet (high in greens) for one week and see for yourself. One week -- you can do anything for one week, can't you? Start right now, make a commitment to yourself, and see how you can change your life, too!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Raw snacks

Fossil Rim was great fun today, as usual. Wayne's sister and brother-in-law got a kick out of the giraffe sticking its head into the car. We had a really good time. It was fun to watch someone else feed all of the animals for the first time. Neil was in the front seat and almost got baptized in giraffe slobber.

Some of you have asked me what I eat when we go "out of town." Today we took a cooler full of water, apples, grapes, oranges, and trail mix to snack on while we went through the park. It is not hard to pack fresh fruits for a day trip and the kids really like it. I also took some Larabars. They have lots of flavors so it is not hard to find something that everyone likes. If you have never eaten a Larabar, I highly recommend them, but please know they are mostly raw (most of them are around 96%). If you prefer a 100% raw bar, try Go RAW! bars which are also excellent.

Wayne's sister and her husband are amazed by how many fresh and organic food choices we have here. I am so very thankful to live in a place where such good food is available.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

sharing a raw food diet

We have been having a great time with Wayne's sister and brother-in-law! Yesterday was so beautiful -- we went down to Fair Park in Dallas and rode the swan paddle boats. It was a lot of fun. I could not believe how dirty and trashy it was down there, though. We saw lots of turtles and fish. We walked through the butterfly gardens and the butterfly conservatory, too. It was a perfect day to be outside.
This morning we went to church and after church it was raining so we just hung out at home and dyed Easter eggs. That was an experience! Our eggs are, well....let's just say they are interesting. I think the kids ate more than they actually dyed. Tomorrow we are taking them to Fossil Rim to see all of the animals. we are all looking forward to it!
They have been really interested in learning about my food and have really enjoyed drinking green smoothies in the mornings. They said that they definitely tasted a lot better than they looked. Wayne's sister's husband's mother has been eating raw foods for quite some time and I didn't even know that. They learned about a raw food diet when his father was diagnosed with cancer and given only 6 months to live. He started eating raw and lived five years! That being said, we have had some really interesting conversations about food and health. It is nice having them here.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What I eat that is not fruit or veggies

Wayne's sister is coming from Delaware tomorrow. My entire household is very excited! I hope everyone sleeps well, because boot camp will come awfully early in the morning. I went to Costco today to prepare and had a cart full of fruit and veggies. When I went through the check out lane the man running the cash register was looking at me really funny. He asked me if I ate all of this stuff (brilliant question, huh?).
I told him that I did. He asked, "Don't you get anything else?" I told him that I eat some other things, but mostly just raw fruits and veggies. He couldn't believe it. He said, "Well, you look very healthy so I shouldn't be surprised." I always find interesting the things people say when people comment on my diet. Usually people say, "I could never do that, but I wish I could." Other times people say, "Wow! That's really cool. Aren't you hungry though?" And almost everyone wants to know what I eat that is not fruit or vegetables.
Lately I have been eating raw seeds and nuts, some fish (some raw sashimi, but some cooked, too), raw protein from Source of Life, some sprouted breads and crackers, raw bars, and raw cookies.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Fever!

It was a beautiful day here today, a bit windy, but I will take windy any day over the cold. The sun was out, the birds were singing, and the thermometer FINALLY went past the 80 degree mark! Hallelujah!! I am really getting an itch to plant a garden. I know I am a little late in the game, but with good reason. As much as I would like to grow things, my thumb is pretty much anything but green. However, I am trying to get better. I want to go out to my backyard (which is very small, by the way) and pick my lunch. That would be so cool!
I have been researching how to build a raised bed so that I can utilize the space we have. The Whole Foods down the street from our house has a homemade raised bed on display. I might just try it this weekend. We will see. They also have gallon vegetables that have already been started so I wouldn't be too far behind. The spring weather is giving me spring fever.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Goodbye Body Fat!

We measured body fat today at boot camp. It is my fourth week and I have lost 4.5% body fat! I am so excited! I did not really expect it to be that much. My trainer told me not to expect such a significant drop every time (we measure every 4 weeks), but I am quite happy with the results so far. One thing that is slightly difficult is that I have actually gained several pounds. I do not want to get hung up on the scale, though. My trainer reminded me that I am gaining lean muscle and bone density (very important for someone with calcium issues). I know he is right, and honestly, the weight isn't as important as feeling healthy and fit. I really do feel as though I have much more energy throughout the entire day. Wayne says he can tell a big difference.

My trainer also said he is not used to seeing someone drop so much body fat in such a short time. I think that has a lot to do with my diet. I am eating mostly raw protein from plant sources (Pea Protein, Hemp Protein, and Source of Life Raw Protein, and raw seeds/nuts) and occasional fish. That being said, the majority of my diet is still raw fruits and vegetables -- probably 80%. I am starting to feel like the outside is beginning to reflect the strong woman that I am on the inside. It feels good!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Paying off

I am not one to wish away my life, but boy am I ready for some warmer temperatures. Texas has been cold this year! I can't wait until we hit 80 degrees. I know that before long it will be 100 and we will be wishing for cooler weather, but right now, at this very moment, I say bring it on! I am tired of donning sweaters and jackets! Shorts, tank tops, and flip flops are calling my name, after all it is SPRING!

Wayne noticed how firm my abs are getting today. He poked me in the stomach and said, "Wow! Your stomach feels a lot different than it did a few weeks ago." I just laughed. He said, "No really, I can tell a big difference." That made me feel really good! I still have a long way to go to firm up this flab, but progress is being made. It is always nice when someone else notices. My glut soreness is finally starting to fade a little, too. I walked up the stairs today with only a wince -- it is the small victories that mean so much!

I went to Whole Foods today and they had LOTS of young coconuts. I was so excited! The last few times I have been they have been completely out -- I ask every time, and even get them to check in the back. Today they had two whole bins filled with them, so I must not have been the only one asking. If you have never tried the water and meat of a young coconut in your green smoothie, then you are really missing out! One of my favorites -- 3-4 large leaves of kale, water and meat of a young coconut, an orange, and a banana, and ice and blend away. YUMMY! i can't wait to have one tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Raw food diet and Exercise

Every morning before we begin our workouts at boot camp we go around and say what we ate the day before. Needless to say I am eating MUCH differently than everyone else. I have noticed that they all eat lots of processed foods such as protein shakes and bars. My list is much more food, all natural, unprocessed foods, mostly raw, and I am still eating way less calories. One of the hardest parts of this has been hitting my calorie minimum. I am eating so much food! We go around and they get to me and I am listing things like 2.5 cups of kale, 2.5 cups of spinach, 3 oranges, 2 bananas, 2 apples, almonds, cashews, raw protein, green smoothie, etc. Needless to say almost everyone is curious to know why my diet is so different.

The workouts are very hard. My gluts are so sore -- still! Every day I just get up and do it again telling myself, "Tiny hiney, tiny hiney," the whole time. It is getting a little easier, though. I am starting to feel like a can tell a difference in my strength and endurance, and I feel energized throughout the day. That part is really fun!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Awesome Check-up

Today I went to the endocrinologist and had an excellent appointment. I can't help but think that a year ago every time I went to the doctor it seemed I was getting more bad news about my health. And it was almost 3 years ago that I was really struggling to make it through the day. Now it is all good news and that feels great! In fact, my doctor said he wished more of his patients were like me because I was doing absolutely everything in my power to have a good outcome from an unfortunate condition.
My labs were great! No kidney issues at all! He even asked me if I ate lots of fruits and vegetables based on my lab values alone. He also thought it was really good that I have been doing boot camp because it showed him that I am really feeling healthy and confident in my body again. When I got sick, it was very hard because I felt like my body had betrayed me -- no matter what I wanted it to do it was doing the opposite and I had no control over it. My endocrinologist reminded me that I can never have total control over my body and it may always throw me for a loop every now and then because I do have hypoparathyroidism. But we also talked about how being proactive about my health and condition have given me a great deal of power back in my life.
I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, if I had not found a high raw lifestyle, there is no way I would be where I am today. I thank God that I was in the right place at the right time and that I was receptive to trying something totally new. I got my green on and boy has it paid off!

Monday, March 22, 2010

The tweenager curse

Today was Jake's actual birthday and he woke up early this morning throwing up. He continued throwing up until about noon. He was pitiful! Welcome to being a teenager. I felt so sorry for him. He seems to be feeling much better this evening but he has eaten only a banana and a dozen Saltines today.

I have been threatening to put a curse on Emma all day, the "I-hope-you-have-one-just-like-you-when-you-grow-up" curse. Yesterday she "cleaned" her room for several hours. This morning I went up to her room and it was a disaster area! I looked under her bed and stuff was just crammed under there. I thought I was going to lose it for a moment. Then I remembered the curse. It worked for my mom, and I know what that means. It means that Emma's room might finally be clean when she grows up and has a family of her own and then she will be hounding her own daughter to clean her room.

On a totally separate note, my trainer thinks I eat the strangest things! He is like, "What the heck is a green smoothie? or a raw spirulina bar?" But, it is paying off! I have lost a little over 5% body fat since I started my early morning boot camp. He was quite impressed. Heck, I was quite impressed! It feels good to be getting some tone and definition again. I enjoy working out every morning because it is the one thing I do every day that is just for me. One more added benefit -- I am sleeping like a baby and have more energy throughout the day. Yes, some days it is hard to rollout of bed at 4:45, but I just think of the payoff and I am able to do it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Birthday List

We woke up to this first full day of spring to find 4 inches of snow in our yard. Seriously! I could not believe it. Friday it was 74 degrees here and we spent almost the entire day outside. Saturday it was still quite warm but raining and then the cold front moved in for what was hopefully, one last hurrah. When I went to bed last night the weather men were forecasting less than one inch of snow, so it was surprising to find so much snow this morning.

Jake is turning 13 tomorrow, but Wayne took off of work on Friday and we did 13 of Jake's favorite things:
1. Have a smoothie for breakfast
2. Go hiking at a local park on the dirt trails
3. Went to play miniature golf
4. Got a haircut (not necessarily a favorite, but much needed)
5. Ate at Campisi's for lunch
6. Visit the S.P.C.A.
7. Play Wii together
8. Fly kites
9. Take the dogs to the dog park
10. Eat at Rock Fish Grill (Jake loves throwing peanut shells on the floor)
11. Go swimming at the community center
12. Have bubble shakes at Fat Straws
13. Make our own tie-dyed t-shirts

It was such a fun day! We all enjoyed ourselves. Jake is such a cool kid. As you can tell, he loves to be outside and with nature. It was a long day, but everyone had such a good time. I will post more pics soon.

I enjoyed my day "off" of boot camp today, but am looking forward to returning tomorrow. My bottom has not quite recovered from the strenuous week one and two, but hopefully it will not be as sore this week. My poor gluts!

I also go to the endocrinologist this week for a check up. I am interested to see how my labs will be and to ask him a couple of questions about working out, maintaining a good calcium level, and protein in my diet. Other things on my list this week are finishing an excellent book written by a dear friend of mine (who I will hopefully get to visit with, if even for a few moments) and finishing a class I have been teaching at church on the liturgy and history of Lent. Wayne's mom is also moving back to Alabama this week and that will be difficult for everyone.

I am hoping for a significant warm up over the next couple of days, and looking forward to seeing what else this week will bring.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Jake is turning 13!

Today was an absolutely beautiful day! We enjoyed it immensely because we knew it would not last; we have a chance of snow for this weekend, in fact. So today we studied outside and then we played at the park. It was so nice to be out and in the sunshine! Tomorrow will be warm as well -- a bit windy, but warm, so we will enjoy the outdoors again. We are planning on breaking out the kites.
Jake's birthday is Monday and we will be celebrating this weekend. I cannot believe that my oldest baby is going to be a teenager. How did he get to be 13 already? He is already taller and bigger than I am. He was born on a night when the comet was circling the sky -- Wayne, my parents and I watched that comet circle so many times as we walked the block trying to get Jake jump started for his journey out of the womb. It worked.
We will be doing all of Jake's favorite things this weekend. He wants to go hiking, kite flying, visit the animal shelter, and play mini golf. It should be a lot of fun! Sometimes when I look at him, he just completely amazes me. (Of course, there are other times when I look at him and want to bit his head off, too -- he is going on 13 after all). Seriously though, there are moments when I step back and observe his polite behavior or marvel at his ability to figure out a difficult algebra problem and I think, "Wow, this is my son! How did he get so smart, so handsome, so well-mannered?" I thank God every day for allowing me the privilege of being Jake's mom.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Journey to a healthy lifestyle

As you know I have been trying to add a little more lean protein back into my diet since I stated a pretty grueling workout routine. I have tried some raw protein powder that tastes pretty good and I have had some fish. It will be interesting to see if this works for me or not. There are a couple of things I have noticed right off the bat: 1.) my face has broken out and 2.) sorry for being so blunt, but I am constipated. So far, I am not liking the protein thing --- for me.
I am going to stick with it for at least a couple of days and see if my system kinda levels out, but my body is going to have to do better than this or it is not worth it. One thing that I have learned over the last 3 years since my health troubles began is to listen to my body. There are experts on everything and people line up to tell me what I should and should not eat, from my doctors to my trainer, to nutritionists. Sometimes they do give conflicting information and that is when I have to rely on myself and everything that I have learned, and the way that I feel. So when I say I am not sure about this protein thing, don't forget that I also say "for me." I am no expert on diet and nutrition either. I am excited about some of the things that have helped me on my personal journey towards a healthy lifestyle, and I want to share the things I have found that work for me. Green smoothies and a high raw diet have literally changed my life -- given it back to me, in fact. I hope that you try them and they change your life, too. As for me, I am taking new steps on my journey (largely because my previous raw diet has helped me get to the point where I can) and we will see where this path leads. I am excited about the future, whatever it may bring.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Great Green Smoothie Day!

I have had a great green smoothie day! They really make me feel so good! For breakfast I had a mango, banana, spinach smoothie -- just add ice and a little water and blend in the VitaMix. Then for lunch I had a Thai green soup from Victoria Boutenko's book Green Smoothie Revolution. Both were very yummy. I am hoping all those live greens will help me work out some of this muscle soreness. My poor quads and hamstrings are aching from boot camp.
I also found a really good website today for those of you who are trying to keep track of your calories. It is -- I really like it because it also gives you an analysis of carbs, protein, and fats as well as the nutrients you have consumed over the day. That is really important for me because of my calcium issues, and this way I can see exactly how much dietary calcium I am getting. Check it out.
On a totally separate note, I have to get on my soap box for a moment. I have been reading about the Texas Board of Education's decision to change our history textbooks in order to rescue their language from liberal academia. How RIDICULOUS! This is the 2010 version of burning the books we don't want our teens to read. I never knew it was such a shame to be educated about capitalism, imperialism, and the consequences of how we have chosen to live. How will we ever learn from the past if we can't own up to the present?

Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm Back

I have not abandoned my blog. I did take an unanticipated 2 week hiatus from it. The first week everyone in my household had strep throat and things were just crazy. I simply could not find time to get online -- any time I found was spent sleeping. The second week was recovery from the first, that and the fact that I started boot camp again. 4:45 rolls around awfully early, and it has just taken me a little time to adjust.
Life is going well. Even though boot camp is early, I really do enjoy going. I am going 6 days a week and every time I finish a class I feel very tired and very invigorated at the same time. I have such a sense of accomplishment! It also makes me feel like I a truly doing something for myself.
The danger with home schooling my children is that it can become very lonely at times. There are days when the only human contact I have is with an eleven year old, a thirteen year old, and a five year old. I do not have to take any children with me to boot camp -- they are simply not allowed. It also gives me a community of adults to interact with every day which is important for my sanity.
I have been trying to add in a little bit of raw vegan protein to my diet. I am starting with just one serving a day to see how my body handles that. I have also decided to go with my doctor's recommendation an have some occasional fish. It was a little strange the first time I ate it -- it really has been a long time, but it went okay. I am still faithful to my delicious green smoothies and they are definitely the high light of my diet.
Anyway, I am back and looking forward to sharing my continued journey to health with you.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is this week over yet?

Last night I crashed -- hard. Wayne's flight was delayed and I was desperately trying to stay awake until he got home, but was unable to do it. My eyes were so heavy and I was doing so pretty major head dives, even to the point of startling myself reminding me of high school algebra in Ms. Smith's class. I finally gave up and turned out the light. The dogs went to barking when he finally got home at about 12:30 and then I was awake, but in that drunken sort of, not making any sense way. I think Wayne was laughing at my slurred words, but I was glad to have him home. Hopefully we will all sleep better tonight.
Tomorrow starts a crazy weekend. Jake is in a play this weekend at church, a musical actually. He has performances on Friday night, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday afternoon and night. I will be glad that it is over because there has been a lot of rehearsals. It will be fun to see Jake in the play -- he is not exactly the artsy type and I had to twist his arm a bit to get him to try it. I think he has enjoyed it, even if he would never admit it. Jake said the other night that putting on a play is a lot of hard work! So, if nothing else, he is gaining an appreciation for people who pour themselves into the arts.
In addition to the musical, Jake also graduates from Robotics I this weekend and Phillip has soccer of course. I am looking forward to getting some sleep next week. I am also hoping that we get a chance to go out with some friends of our next week to eat some spicy Indian food. I need a bit of adult time after this week.
By the way, I tried a recipe I got out of my Shape magazine on the kids tonight and they loved it so I thought I would share it because it is a rare thing when children ask for seconds of broccoli. I cut the florets off f the broccoli stalks and then sprinkled them with olive oil, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Then I roasted them for 25 minutes in a 400 degree oven. They all devoured it! I would never have thought to put nutmeg on broccoli. I had a taste and it was very good I must say! I try not to eat too much cooked food, but when I do, I make sure it is something good for me. Ordinarily I may have had a normal helping, but I am looking forward to that Indian food so I am saving for a "splurge."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Daily Schedule

My life has been so crazy today! I didn't sleep much last night. Wayne has been out of town this week and I feel like I am losing my mind. I was up late last night mostly just trying to fall asleep. When I turned out the light the weather people were sure we would have snow so I did not set the alarm.
7:00 woke up and looked out the window -- SHOOT (only not so nicely and with only 4 letters) there is no snow! Let the dogs out, feed them, give Clyde his medicine, and let the dogs out again.
7:15 Phillip is downstairs and wants to snuggle for a few minutes. Snuggle for 5 minutes and then throw him in the shower.
7:25 Wake up Jake and Emma and tell them we are running late there is no snow (I always wake them up by singing "good morning to you at the top of my lungs and horribly off key."
7:30 Get Phillip out of the shower and help him get dressed. Get him a bowl of cereal and a glass of almond milk. Turn on "The Magic School Bus" so I can get dressed.
7:45 I am now dressed and my hair has been dunked because I don't have time to take a shower. Jake and Emma are arguing over a tin can for a science project. Jake punches Emma (not hard, but she is crying for dramatic effect). Settle the fight and supervise their smoothie making.
8:00 Make Phillip's lunch for school and write him a note for his lunchbox -- he loves my letters. Clean up the kitchen and start the dishwasher. Make my own green smoothie.
8:15 make Jake and Emma brush their teeth and start on math. Fix Phillip two pieces of toast.
8:30 Get Phillip's shoes, socks and coat on and we are out the door o the way to his preschool. Jake and Emma have their Latin and spelling in hand because we are going to get my allergy shot after we drop Phillip off. We quiz Latin in the car. Phillip eats apple slices on the way to school.
9:30 We are home again. Emma still has to finish her math. Jake starts on Grammar while I check his math. I answer several questions about adverbial phrases. When he finishes we go over his math and then I check his grammar making him correct mistakes.
10:00 Emma is finally done with math. We go over it together and she corrects her mistakes. She starts on Grammar (direct objects, again, ugh! -- lots of complaining). Jake is trying to write a report without doing an outline or draft and is getting frustrated because I keep telling him to start again. I finally make him do an outline. There is lots of complaining about the decision and I am tired. I tell him to start writing or his report will have to be twice as long.
11:00 Emma is finally finished with grammar, but she has missed more than half of the questions. We review the chapter AGAIN and she corrects all of the mistakes. I am probably not as nice as I should be about this, but she really isn't trying and I have had it. Wayne calls in the middle of all of this. It is not a good time.
11:30 We all need a break so we take one. LUNCH
12:00 We are back it. Jake is halfway through his outline and Emma is starting her report (her outline is already done.
1:00 Jake is finally ready to start typing, but so is Emma so now we are fighting over who gets to use the computer first. I say a quick prayer for patience. Jake gets the computer first and Emma finishes her history outline in the meantime.
1:30 I head out to pick Phillip up from school. I talk to my mom on the way. Now I am complaining. Am I good mom? Am I a good wife?
2:15 We walk in the door and Phillip is asking what he can have for a snack -- does this child ever stop eating? Jake is almost finished, but wants a snack, too. Emma doesn't want to be left out either. Everyone gets one cookie and a bag full of grapes.
3:00 I start on dinner. We have to eat early tonight because Emma has dance. Jake is finished with his report and shows Emma how to get her document started.
3:30 Phillip and Jake watch "Tom and Jerry." Phillip wants to sit wherever Jake is and Jake is almost 13 so he doesn't want anyone touching him! I try to read for a few minutes, but am very distracted. I unload the dishwasher.
4:30 Jake is setting the table and I am getting dinner on the table and drinks made. Emma hasn't made much progress, but I tell her she is done for the day. Everyone to the table for dinner.
4:35 Wayne calls, once again, very bad timing. I eat standing up while doing the dishes and talking to Wayne.
4:50 Emma has to get ready for dance and Phillip gets on his shoes, socks, and jacket. Give Clyde his medicine.
5:00 ask Jake to wipe down the table for me and take the trash out before Mimi comes to take him to his rehearsal tonight (since I can't be in 3 places at once). Emma, Phillip, and I leave for dance. On the way I make a split second decision to take Phillip to drop in day care since I have a parent swim meeting right after dance -- this turns out to be very wise.
5:30 drop Emma off and sit in Starbucks for 45 minutes reading my book. This is my only quiet time for the day. I even had a small cup of coffee.
6:30 Pick Emma up and we have a few minutes before the swim meeting. We run to the grocery to buy car magazines because Phillip has been in "school" for 100 days this Friday and has to make a poster of 100 things -- he wants to make a poster of 100 cars.
7:15 Emma and I are at the swim meeting. It is nice to see old friends. No one recognizes me from last summer because I have lost so much weight and cut my hair off (this makes me feel really good!). It is a long meeting.
9:10 The meeting is finally over and we leave to get Phillip. It is way past his bedtime. I am worried Mimi will make it home with Jake before I get home. I realize I put my phone down somewhere and run back to the meeting room to look for it. Find it -- run to the car to get Phillip.
9:30 We are home. I brush Phillip's teeth and get him ready for bed. He cries because I tell him no story since it is so late. We read a short story and then I tuck him in. Emma wants me to run to Walmart to get her some new toothpaste. I tell her to use mine and go to bed.
9:35 Jake walks in. Rehearsal was good. He gets ready for bed
9:38 Wayne calls. I talk for a few minutes but ask if I can call him back.
9:45 Jake and I chat for a minute and he goes to bed. I start blogging.
10:15 Wayne texts and wants to know if I am going to call him. What is that smell? Oh, it is me -- I just now realize I haven't had a shower today. I hope no one at the meeting noticed.
10:17 wrapping up the blog so I can call Wayne back.
Hopefully I will get to bed before 11:00?? We will see. Typical day.

Monday, February 22, 2010

more SNOW!

It is so cold here! Once again we are expecting snow tonight. I can't believe we are going to have snow AGAIN. If we get just 2 inches (which is expected) then there will be a new record for snowfall in north Texas. The kids are very excited, but I have to say that I am more like, "Enough already!" I am ready for some warm weather so we can ride our bikes and walk at the park. Not this week, but hopefully this will be the last of the winter weather.

This morning I had a new smoothie. It was red kale and dandelion leaves along with mangosteen and peaches. It was actually quite good! I wasn't sure -- it was more of an experiment, but I really liked it. I had a sprout salad from Whole Foods for dinner. It was also quite yummy. I also bought some Go Raw! chocolate cookies (I had never had those before) and they were very good! I think I may have to do some dehydration experiments to see if I can make some yummy snacks -- I'll keep you posted on that.

Phillip and I went to a kindergarten meet and greet at the public school today. He listened to a story and did an art project on polar bears. He seemed to really like it. Wayne and I are probably going to send Phillip to Kindergarten somewhere so that I can really work with Jake and Emma, but I don't know that it will be there. The school is very nice and I like it alright, but I want Phillip to be able to learn at his own pace and I really want him to be able to play and be a kid. I am not sure he can do that in a classroom full of kids. We will see. I am not ruling it out, we will definitely go to some of the library days before we decide what we are going to do.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Olympic Lessons

We were watching the men's Olympic ice skating tonight when Jake chimed in, "They need to zambonify that ice." I love it! It has really been fun watching the Olympics with the kids. I am amazed at how dedicated these athletes are. I am convinced they are master manifestors! Yesterday we watched Linsey Vonn visualize her gold medal run before she skied it. The kids were laughing at how funny she looked sitting there mimicking her run, but then they said, "Wow, visualizing works!" when she won. I have so much to learn from these athletes who put their all into what they do.
Imagine if we put our all into the things we do on a daily basis. This is so hard to do, and takes preparation and dedication. I know that for me, my life would be so different. This year one of my goals has been to work on being fully present. I knew it would be hard when I made the goal, but I didn't realize it would be as hard as it has been. My blog focuses a lot on eating, and being fully present when I purchase and consume my food has changed my life! That being said, being fully present applies to so much more than food. It applies to being with family and strangers, feeling heartache and joy, as well as my faith, and the daily chores of cleaning/laundry/ and taxiing my family. This is a goal I will be working on for quite some time.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Better Days

Today has been a much better day. Clyde has been tired, but well. Yesterday was so stressful and today was very low-key. Thank you -- I needed that!
I am so glad that I stuck with my health goals through all of that stress yesterday. I felt really good about myself and my decisions all day today. It made it that much easier to make good decisions about what I put in my mouth and how long I work out at the gym today. Each day builds on the day before it, and everyday it gets a little bit easier.
The kids and I made a trip to the grocery store for snack food. They picked out a bunch of bananas, a carton of apples, a box of oranges, and Healthy Choice fudge bars (I can live with that)! It was also a milestone reached and conquered in our house when Phillip ate an entire bowl of green salad at dinner this evening. I really do think he enjoys eating healthy. It makes me happy that they are making good choices. Phillip has changed his eating habits in so many good and positive ways! Emma will still choose anything fattening and sweet over something healthy EVERY time if you give her choice, but she knows how to make good choices and if I walk into a grocery store and let her choose a snack with mom-enforced boundaries she does not complain about it at all. Jake is and has always been my healthy eater. He was a vegetarian long before I was. I am just so proud of all of them.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Difficult Day

Today has been a rough day. My Clyde-dog had a very large seizure this morning. He has been having seizures for a little more than two years, but they have been minor so we have just been monitoring them. The vet told us that could change and he might have to go on seizure prevention medication at some point, but it would be to Clyde's advantage to wait as long as possible to put him on the medication due to possible side effects. Unfortunately, we reached the medicine day today. Clyde had a seizure for over 10 minutes and was not responsive. They were able to give him some medicine to bring him out of the seizure activity, but said the risks outweigh the benefits at this point and that he definitely needs medication.
They kept Clyde at the vet all day, but let us bring him home this evening and he is doing well. We are trying to keep him as calm as possible. He has been wanting to run around and play though. His little face looks like it had about 100 more grey hairs. I was talking myself into being fine, but as soon as the vet started telling me about the medicine I just lost it.
I told Wayne I wanted to come home and eat a pound of chocolate or chips, but I did not. I never realized how much of an emotional eater I was until I started eating a raw food diet. I reminded myself that eating would not help me cope, and it certainly wouldn't help Clyde either. It was a difficult day. I feel good that I was able to remain true to myself. Please say some prayers for Clyde.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Feeding well

We took the kids to Fossil Rim today. It was so much fun -- I love going there. All of the zebras have had babies and they were so cute trying run around. They are much fuzzier than their parents. The moms would come right up to the car with their babies following right behind and nursing. Poor moms -- can't even get a moment to themselves (ha!). Seriously though, it was really neat to see. I also loved seeing all of the hills and valleys (not much but flat concrete where we live). It was nice to get my fill of nature for a day.
I have been struggling with my raw food diet over the last couple of weeks. I keep reminding myself that I am still doing pretty good -- approximately 60% raw. I know that 60%raw compared with this time last year (an occasional salad) is really good, but I also know that I do not look or feel as good as I did a month ago at 90 -95% raw. This weekend I have been doing some raw food reading and getting geared up and re-educated regarding raw foods. While I do not feel the need to be 100% raw anymore, a high raw diet really works for me.
I have also noticed that when I eat a high raw diet, my family also tends to eat better. I have never pushed my family to eat a raw diet. They are mostly vegetarian -- I don't cook any meat, but the occasionally have some if they eat out. But, when I eat healthy they do, too. I don't even have to say anything. When they see me eating a nice fruit salad or green salad they just want some, too. Funny how that works the same way candy or ice cream does.
Anyway, I went to Whole Foods this evening and have all the things I need to get myself back in gear. I miss having clear skin and energy galore. My mood has also been a bit sour since my raw intake went down, so I am sure my family will be glad to have me high raw again. My body is much smarter than my brain. It knows what it wants, now I just have to feed it well.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

snow day

Wow -- it has been snowing here for over 14 hours straight! We are at 9 and a half inches and counting. North Texas has passed a record today for snowfall in one day. It is absolutely beautiful, but is starting to get a little dangerous now. The snow is great packing snow and there have been some really awesome snowmen and snow-women. It makes great snowballs and the snow angels weren't bad either. Jake, Emma, and Phillip had so much fun playing in it today, especially Phillip. While he has seen snow, he has never seen it like this before.
Many people are without power, but we still have ours, thank goodness. Tonight it will freeze and tomorrow morning will be very nasty, but it won't stay long. It is supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow, so after about 11:00 in the morning we won't have much to deal with anymore. That is Texas weather for you. I can't even begin to imagine what all our friends and family in the Northeast are dealing with! 9 and a half inches is a lot of snow -- Wayne's family in DE has about 4 times that much.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I am worth it!

The sun was out today and it sure helped to improve my mood! It was still pretty cold, but nice to have some UV rays to go along with the cold. It is so hard for me when it is just grey outside. North Texas winters are notorious for being grey. The upside is that we don't have 3 feet of snow, though.
My brother and sister-in-law are coming into town this weekend to house shop. I am very excited to see them and their three lovely children. We are hoping to take them to Bliss, our favorite raw food restaurant. My brother is chef, so I want to show him some "gourmet raw food" since all he's ever encountered has been at my house. What he will eat there will be a little different than what he gets at my house -- salad, vegetables, guacamole, etc. I am interested to see what he thinks. We will be celebrating his wife, Heather's birthday so it will be great fun -- she is one cool lady!
I am dreaming about a raw food retreat -- ALONE. I am craving some personal space time. I am wondering if any of you are aware of low cost retreat options. I would like to recharge my batteries and spend some time refocusing on why this lifestyle is so important to me. Health is such a funny thing. When I take a step back from it all, it is almost humorous that we find all find it so difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle despite the fact that we know how good it is for us, and in my case, have experienced the enormous difference it can make. It is a constant struggle to stay healthy and anyone who tells you it is not is just plain lying. The key is that we know why we strive for it. The very first reason on everyone's list should be "because I am worth it." When I forget this, and occasionally I do (more often than I would like to admit -- a side effect of having three kids, a husband, and a lifetime worth of lessons on how to put myself last), I bring out my trusty old mantra and remind myself over and over and over, "my body is my temple." I am worth it! Life is short and I want to live every minute that I can knowing that I can enjoy it to the very best of my ability, so staying healthy is definitely a big part of being able to enjoy life.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Renewed Interest in my Raw Green Lifestyle

I don't know if this happens to you or not, but I have been noticing how much easier it was for me to eat a completely raw diet when I was sick and felt like "crap" than it is now that I feel so much better. You would think that I would realize that eating and feeling good and directly related, but I am a little hard headed. Needless to say I have noticed a big shift in my mood, how tired I am, and even just how I generally feel since I've been letting myself slip a bit (damn that cheese).

I am thankful to know that my body knows what it needs and what it likes, even when I don't (or don't want to). I guess my general malaise and facial pimples are my body's way of reminding me that I need to treat it like the temple I know it is. After my surgery I realized just how important it is to take care of myself. It is interesting to me that when I take care of myself physically, emotional and spiritual wellness follow. Needless to say I have renewed interest in my raw green lifestyle. Here's to feeling better soon!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good to be Home

Back to reality -- we have had cold rain all day long in Texas. It has made me miss the warm breezes and sunshine of the Bahamas. Oh well. It is just weather. I have really enjoyed being with the kids today. Relationships are so much more important than weather.
Jake, Emma, and I did a really neat experiment today (we actually began it a couple of weeks ago) on how salt beds form. We dissolved some salt in a bowl full of water and waited for it to evaporate and then observed how the salt formed on the sides and bottom of the bowl. We even took some samples and put them under the microscope. It was fun because they both just lit up with enthusiasm and questions.
Then when I picked Phillip up from school we came home and they all painted pictures while I prepared dinner. Phillip is my abstract impressionist, Emma is my cartoonist, and Jake is my realist. All of their paintings are beautiful. That is something I would have missed if we were still in the Bahamas.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I am coming off of vacation mode and boy, is it hard! I wanted to sleep s badly this morning, but I got up and taught The Crusades anyway. When I was in school I hated learning about The Crusades. I remember thinking it was one of the most boring things ever! However, this time around, it has been really fun. We watched an excellent documentary that The History Channel did several years ago, and read a few very interesting books. It was fun listening to Jake and Emma ask me if I knew that people listening to Pope Urban II's speech (to encourage and ultimately begin the first crusade) responded with, "It is God's will." Also, I must say that Salladin was a very interesting person. I might just have to research him a little more for my own sake.
Anyway, it is nice to be back to my daily ritual of green smoothies. This morning I had spinach, blueberry, orange, mango. By the way, I don't think I wrote about seeing Paul Nison speak before we left for the Bahamas. I really liked him and everything that he had to say! He was very informative. He has a very balanced approach to eating raw foods so if you are someone who is interested in learning more about raw foods, he would be a great resource!
I am going to bed early tonight to see if I can get some good rest and wake up tomorrow ready to hit the ground running. I have got to get out of this sluggish mode! Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bahama Mama!

Home again, home again! Wayne and I had such a good time in the Bahamas! We went to Nassau, which was a lot busier and more metropolitan than I imagined. Even so, it was absolutely beautiful! At the straw market, I met a new friend, Walter, who was an absolute jewel. He sells sea shells in the straw market and was pure joy to be around. If you ever go to Nassau and see him, please tell him hello from me. Wayne and I try to buy souvenirs that support the local economy and artisans. You also meet the nicest people that way!
We took a day trip out to a private island (only 5 people live there) and it was breath-taking! I fed sting rays and snorkeled in shark infested waters over the reefs. At first I wasn't going to do it. I was so nervous and scared! But then I talked myself into it somehow. I just thought, "this may be a once in a lifetime experience, am I really going to let this pass me by?" Even as I was walking into the water with my snorkel gear on I was thinking I was crazy for doing it. My heart was racing what felt like a million miles an hour. If you have ever snorkeled then you know once your face is in the water the only things you can really hear is yourself breathing and your heart pounding. I was literally talking to myself to slow down and take deep breaths. I am so happy that I did not miss it! Seeing the reefs was like seeing another planet, mysterious and mystical. It was scary, but worth working through the fear.
I also had the BEST pina colada I had ever put in my mouth! It was so YUMMY! (We let our hair down a little bit.) We walked all over the city so I got lots of exercise. Plus it was very easy to eat vegetarian, and even vegan as they have lots of fruits and veggies. We toured churches, local markets, beaches, Atlantis (which was incredible and uncomfortable), and even pirate museums. Wayne and I spent a lot of quality time together and had a blast just lazing around in a hammock on the beach for an entire afternoon!
I am so thankful for my parents who came and stayed with the kids so we could go, and for Wayne's mom who helped get the kiddos where they needed to go on Saturday when everyone had something scheduled at the same time. Without them, Wayne and I would never have been able to do this trip.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Raw food menu for today

Thought I would post a menu of what I ate today because it seems like I have been receiving a lot of inquiries lately regarding what I eat on a daily basis. This morning I had a liter of green smoothie -- spinach, orange, banana, mango. Mid morning I had a bowl of mixed fruit. Today for lunch I had a delicious sprout salad from Whole Foods. It had sunflower, red lentil, white lentil, and some other kind of sprouts. If you have never had lentil sprouts, they are very tasty! They are a bit spicy and add great flavor. The kids and I ate some heirloom organic navel oranges for afternoon snack. YUMMY! For dinner I had a green leaf salad with dried cranberries and apple cider vinegar dressing and a banana. I feel so energized! I know it sounds weird, but eating this way makes me feel clean. My mouth feels clean, and I do not feel heavy or sluggish. I don't know how else to explain it. I remember when I ate a SAD diet I felt so full after eating meal and then I would be so tired, especially after lunch. Now, I feel revitalized every time I put something in my mouth.

Tomorrow I am going to go hear a raw food guru speak in downtown Dallas, Paul Nison. I am pretty excited about hearing what he has to say. You might be interested in checking out his website at I know I promised a pic from the raw food meetup, but I can't get my pic to download properly. I will work on it and try and get it on here in the next couple of days. Here is a pic of me with my new (kinda funky) red hair.

3 days to go til Bahamas!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sharing Dreams and Dreaming Visions

It has been a very good weekend. Friday night Wayne and I went to a vegan Indian restaurant in Dallas with some very good friends of ours. The food was great, and the company was wonderful! Have you ever had the type of friends with whom you just feel connected? These were those type of friends. It doesn't matter how long it has been since we have seen them, we are always just able to pick up where we left off. They accept you for who you are and there is nothing false or forced about being with them. We shared dreams and dreamed visions together so I have quite a list of things to do on my list for this week.
Saturday Emma had choir practice, Phillip had a soccer game, and Jake took an archery class. I got my hair done and became a red head. One of my high school friends told me "red in the head, better in bed." I'm not sure about the truth behind it, but it might be fun to experiment (ha! ha!). It is good to have a change. I like having a little spice in my life.
Speaking of spice, tonight Emma and I went to a raw food meetup. It was very nice and the food was outstanding -- I will post a pic tomorrow. I made raw pizza and raw "almost oatmeal" cookies from my Raw Revolution Diet recipe book. They were both a hit. Someone else made pina colada "cheesecake" (the cheese is actually made from cashews, not milk -- no animal products in it). YUM! My other favorite dish had zucchini and some kind of tomato sauce. We also had nettle soup (I had never had nettle before, so it was interesting and yummy), several different types of salads, and some organic blood oranges. It was fun to see everyone.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Grocery Cart

I went to Whole Foods today -- just a quick trip through the grocery. Here's what was in my cart: kale, large bag of spinach, 2 large bunches of bananas, 12 heirloom navel oranges (yum! -- that was dessert), a dozen "Go Raw!" bars, potatoes (Jake and Emma love baked potatoes for lunch), and gluten free vegan cookies for Phillip's lunch box. Oh yes, and a few half gallons of Almond milk. The cashier said, "you sure do like almond milk, huh?" Then he asked, "Do you just use it like regular milk or only in smoothies?" I told him I use it just like milk -- on cereal, in smoothies, to make ice cream, making the kids macaroni and cheese, anything that calls for regular milk -- I just use almond milk. He asked, "Does it taste good?" I wanted to say, "No, it is really nasty," but I swallowed that thought and told him that it did taste good and that it took my children 2 weeks to even notice that they weren't drinking regular milk. He seemed impressed and said that I sold him on it, that he would definitely try it.
Speaking of trying new things I am getting the itch to change something. I made a hair appointment for Saturday so Wayne is worried that I will come home bald. It seems like every time I go to get a trim I have much less hair when I come home than when I left. I like change and I like to keep him guessing, so no telling what I will come home looking like. I like to see him sweat.
Tomorrow I see the urologist for a check up -- I am expecting great news!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Summer smoothies, swimming, and bikinis

Today it was warm again, but kinda rainy all day so we couldn't go to the park. Having a summer smoothie was the next best thing. We broke out some fruit we had frozen from the summer and made some wonderful freestone peach, blueberry, banana, spinach smoothies. They were very good and it was a nice treat to have some "summer" fruit.
Jake and Emma started swimming lessons today. They swim competitively in the summer and take lessons during the school year to keep up their skills, but last semester they took a break from swimming. When Emma went to put on her bathing suit it barely fit! I didn't realize how much she had grown in just a few months, but we got out the measuring stick and she has grown about three inches. Jake has passed me already, and Emma is close behind. Pretty soon I will officially be the shortest person in my family, which is saying a lot because I am not short. I am 5'9". It is strange to think of myself as being the shortest. They are growing up right before my eyes.
All of that thinking of Emma needing a new suit made me start thinking about the Bahamas. Good thing, because I hadn't even thought about trying on my bathing suit. I dug the bathing suits from last year out of my drawer and tried them on and they were way too big! This is definitely a blessing, but the curse is that I have to find a bathing suit I can wear in the next nine days. Let the great bathing suit hunt begin! Maybe, just maybe, I will be brave enough to wear a bikini this year. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wonderful Day!

Today was an absolutely GORGEOUS day in my "neck of the woods" (as Al Roker would say). It was 73 degrees and partly sunny with a nice breeze. After school today we headed to the park for some soccer and playground time, we even took the dogs. I don't know who liked it more the kids, the dogs, or me. It is hard to believe that two weeks ago it was 11 degrees. It made me hungry for spring to be here!
The day started out wonderful and stayed wonderful. I drank a liter of green smoothie this morning. It was kale, mango, banana, orange, and was it ever good! Later I had a Go Raw! bar. I also ate lots of fresh fruit and finished the day off with a large salad. I am considering making a batch of raw brownies this evening. It has been a while since I made some and they just sound so good!
At the end of next week my mom and dad are coming for a short visit and to stay with the kids while Wayne and I go to the Bahamas. We have had this planned for a while, but it just finally seemed real today. I am starting to get pretty excited! It is going to be a quick trip, only four days, but it will be a wonderful four days. Wayne and I are really making an effort to spend some adult time together as a couple. I think every marriage needs that. It gives us a chance to remember how much we like and love each other, a chance to remember why we fell in love with each other in the first place. Not that I have forgotten, but it will still be lots of fun to remember. :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

my core raw foods

I was on another raw food website today where someone had posted that every raw fooder should have 15 - 20 core items that they eat on a regular basis. I had so much fun reading everyones' responses. It gave me ideas about what new things I might consider adding to my diet. Anyway, I thought you might enjoy reading some of the things I usually always have on hand: 1. trail mix (I like mine with several different kinds of nuts and seeds, gogi berries, apple sweetened dried sour cherries or cranberries) 2. salads with LOTS of colorful veggies (red and yellow peppers, cucumbers, radish carrots, avocado, sprouts, and I even like nuts and dried fruit on them) 3. Green smoothies EVERY DAY -- LOTS! 4. Fruit salad 5. Nut butter with an apple 6. raw vegetable "sushi" 7. raw "spring rolls" 8. zucchini pasta with raw "tomato sauce" 9. Go Raw! bars 10. Hail Merry Chocolate tart 11. veggies with dip 12. raw date cookies 13. home made guacamole with yellow squash "chips" 14. raw taco lettuce wraps 15. young coconut mixed with almost any kind of fruit 16. almond milk 17. cucumbers, red onions, apple cider vinegar (with the mother), and fresh dill 18. green juice 19. kale (love it!)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Back in the Raw!

The holidays proved to be a pretty difficult time to stay high raw. Like many of you, I struggled to stay on my high raw diet. My body definitely felt the difference. While I still ate healthy and vegetarian, I was tempted by the cheese and the sweets. Needless to say, my percentage of raw foods dropped significantly. I felt it in my energy level, my skin blemishes, and bloating. There have been so many times in my past where I broke a diet thinking it would be just for a night or a week. If you are like me, it is easy to get stuck in a cycle of "eat bad, feel bad, rationalize that you have already blown the diet, eat more, feel even worse, rationalize..." I did not want to get stuck in the SAD rut. However a raw food diet is not the typical diet.
I found other diets were hard for me to maintain because I did not feel very good while I was doing them. I tried many ways to lose weight in my past, including The Zone, The South Beach Diet, Slimfast, and yes, even Atkins (I am ashamed to admit some of those, but it is the truth). Desperate people do desperate things. Anyway, all of theses diets made me cranky, hungry, and tired. My skin did not improve, either. However, a raw diet is completely different. Although I thought I wanted some of our traditional goodies, once I ate them I could immediately feel the difference in my body. I longed for my green smoothies! I was able to rationalize that if I did not like the way my food was making me feel, "the only way to get out is to change." And this time I knew exactly what would help me feel better! The last few weeks I have been revving up my raw diet again and kicking it into gear.
This morning I noticed my energy level has returned, my stomach is flat again, and my skin is clear. It is amazing to me how quickly and efficiently the body can work when we don't obstruct it. I am very glad to be back in the raw! The five pounds I gained are history and I learned that sweet and creamy didn't taste near as good as I thought it would.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Better than ever!

I have been thinking about my health journey a lot lately. I guess it is because more and more people are starting to ask me about it. Why exactly did I decide to go raw? After two years of being sick, and about 4 years of just not feeling like "me," I got tired. I was fed up with feeling lousy all of the time. When my calcium issues began it drastically changed my life. I was tired all of the time, got sick very easily, took handfuls of medicine, was gloomy all of the time, not to mention the real physical symptoms of my arms, legs, and face tingling and going numb. I did everything the doctors told me to do. I took all of my meds like I was told. I completely changed my diet like they advised -- eliminating phosphate almost completely (this left me eating a lot of white rice and sourdough bread). I was open with my doctors about feeling alienated from my body and emotions, and they told me to be patient. I was tired of being patient. I was tired a patient. I felt like I was just watching life pass me by. My life was ruled by lab visits and doctors appointments.
One day something just clicked and I knew if I was ever going to be better I needed to take control of my health. I was missing out on my children, my husband, and life in general. It was just chance that I happened to see a personal interest news story about a woman with breast cancer who went into remission after going to a raw food resort and clinic in Florida. Honestly, I decided I would try it, I never in a million years thought it would change my life the way it has. My rationale was that trying it at least gave me a sense of empowerment. I felt like I was doing something for me. Even if it didn't help, it was something I could do on my own, and surely the doctors couldn't criticize me for eating healthy.
In short, I decided to eat raw purely out of desperation. Hope was beginning to fade from my vocabulary as my health issues seemed more and more like they were going to be permanent and need constant monitoring. I had given all of my power away to the experts. I had been hoping they would "fix" me. They were doing their best, but my body just wasn't responding. It wasn't that the doctors weren't trying, they really were. They were relying on science and when science didn't respond they didn't know whet else to do, but something deep inside of me did. You cannot imagine how many times I have given thanks for seeing the ten o'clock news that night. Now, I feel like the "new and improved me." Raw food has given me my life back, and things are better than ever!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Laundry Warrior

We resumed our home school cooking program tonight. Emma made home made vegetable minestrone. She and Jake had their braces tightened this morning so were in the mood for soft food. I sampled it, and must say that it was very good! We had a little ingredients mishap, but recovered nicely. She was supposed to have a can of diced tomatoes, but we did not have any. Instead we added some tomato sauce, some sun-dried tomato paste, and diced some fresh tomatoes -- it was a very tasty substitution. Phillip was claiming he wasn't going to eat it and that he didn't like soup with vegetables in it the entire time Emma was preparing it, but he ate almost all of it. I gave her meal a 4.5/5. (She wanted to make sure I was going to post her picture, too!)
I made some delicious juices today, too! This morning I had spinach, carrot, and apple juice (1 red delicious and 1 granny smith). Later this afternoon I made kale, pineapple, cantaloupe, kiwi, grape. I had all the fruit left over from a fruit salad I made earlier this week so I just threw it all into the juicer. It is amazing to me how filling juice can be.
I have had lots of energy today thanks to all of my juices -- they have enabled me to be the "laundry warrior." I must have done 15 loads of laundry today. Seriously, I do not know how that much laundry creeps up on me! I wonder if I am the only mom who must do laundry marathons so that her hildren will have something to wear tomorrow.

Phillip's 1st trip to the beach

Phillip's 1st trip to the beach
"I love this place!"

Beautiful Emma

Beautiful Emma
"I'm a model."


"Where are my toes? I can't see my toes."