Wayne noticed how firm my abs are getting today. He poked me in the stomach and said, "Wow! Your stomach feels a lot different than it did a few weeks ago." I just laughed. He said, "No really, I can tell a big difference." That made me feel really good! I still have a long way to go to firm up this flab, but progress is being made. It is always nice when someone else notices. My glut soreness is finally starting to fade a little, too. I walked up the stairs today with only a wince -- it is the small victories that mean so much!
I went to Whole Foods today and they had LOTS of young coconuts. I was so excited! The last few times I have been they have been completely out -- I ask every time, and even get them to check in the back. Today they had two whole bins filled with them, so I must not have been the only one asking. If you have never tried the water and meat of a young coconut in your green smoothie, then you are really missing out! One of my favorites -- 3-4 large leaves of kale, water and meat of a young coconut, an orange, and a banana, and ice and blend away. YUMMY! i can't wait to have one tomorrow.
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