Thursday, March 25, 2010

Paying off

I am not one to wish away my life, but boy am I ready for some warmer temperatures. Texas has been cold this year! I can't wait until we hit 80 degrees. I know that before long it will be 100 and we will be wishing for cooler weather, but right now, at this very moment, I say bring it on! I am tired of donning sweaters and jackets! Shorts, tank tops, and flip flops are calling my name, after all it is SPRING!

Wayne noticed how firm my abs are getting today. He poked me in the stomach and said, "Wow! Your stomach feels a lot different than it did a few weeks ago." I just laughed. He said, "No really, I can tell a big difference." That made me feel really good! I still have a long way to go to firm up this flab, but progress is being made. It is always nice when someone else notices. My glut soreness is finally starting to fade a little, too. I walked up the stairs today with only a wince -- it is the small victories that mean so much!

I went to Whole Foods today and they had LOTS of young coconuts. I was so excited! The last few times I have been they have been completely out -- I ask every time, and even get them to check in the back. Today they had two whole bins filled with them, so I must not have been the only one asking. If you have never tried the water and meat of a young coconut in your green smoothie, then you are really missing out! One of my favorites -- 3-4 large leaves of kale, water and meat of a young coconut, an orange, and a banana, and ice and blend away. YUMMY! i can't wait to have one tomorrow.

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