Thursday, April 22, 2010

Physical health leads to Spiritual Health

Judging from all of the emails I have received about yesterday's entry, I am apparently not alone on the running thing. Thank you all for your responses -- I was beginning to think I was the only one who did not like to run. I really don't mind the exercise, in fact, once I finally make it to the gym, it makes me feel a lot better. I have found that when I feel good about my body, that good feeling translates to other areas of my life as well. I feel more confident, I sleep better, I feel more focused, I care more about what I eat, etc.
The first few weeks I was doing boot camp I felt like getting up at 4:45 was possibly the worst thing I had ever committed myself to do. However, the last few weeks (it is hard to believe I have been on this regimen for seven and a half weeks now) I have been waking up even before the alarm goes off, and I have been wide awake and ready for the day.
There are things I like about getting up early. For instance, 4:45 is the only time of day when my house is completely quiet and I can be totally alone. I like to sit in my favorite chair all by myself and read a devotion. No one is competing for my attention, putting their feet on me, or asking me to do something else. I also have a private time to pray. I feel as though waking up for boot camp has not only improved my physical health, but my spiritual health as well. Funny how that works.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Confessions of a wanna-be (not really) runner.

I have always admired those people who put on their dry-fit clothing and running shorts and step out of their front doors to "go for a run." Recently, my sister-in-law and her husband were visiting and he stepped out for a little over an hour one day so that he could run a measly ten miles. I must admit, I was jealous. In my mind I am a runner. I can picture myself training for a marathon. I can imagine getting that "runner's high." I can feel that need to finish the race somewhere deep down inside of me.
Running seems like it would be a great way to exercise, especially right now -- when the weather is so nice. I always think that I want to do it; that I want to be a runner... then I try it. I think some people are just not meant to be runners, and I must be one of those people. No matter how much I want to like it -- I simply don't. In fact, I might even say I don't like it at all. I can ride a bike, I can get on an elliptical machine, and heck, I can even row until the cows come home. BUT I CANNOT RUN! I DO NOT WANT TO RUN! I DO NOT LIKE TO RUN! There, I said it. It is all out in the open. I feel much better now.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Convenience Foods

Today I discovered Vega -- bars and shakes for vegans. These products are all or mostly raw and are designed for athletes. While I would not yet consider myself to be an athlete, I am working on it. I must say that both the bar I had and the shake were quite tasty. I guess they have always been at my local Whole Foods Store, but I only noticed them for the first time today. It is so nice to have high quality whole foods with convenience!
Sometimes the very thing that keeps us from eating healthy is the idea that we don't have the time to prepare healthy meals. I am a very busy mother of three who knows what it is like to juggle 20 things at a time. When my doctors first suggested to me that I become vegetarian almost one year ago fear and dread ran through my mind as I thought, "What am I going to eat and where am I going to buy it?" As someone who spends most of her afternoons as a taxi driver, convenience foods (read - fast food standard American Diet) were a huge part of our lives. I thought that either I would have to learn to like fast food salads or starve. Boy was I wrong. I found it is just as quick to run into the grocery and pick up an apple or banana as it was to wait in the drive thru line. I also discovered nuts and seeds, and almost all grocery stores sell well made organic salads. There are so many raw bars and snacks out there that I didn't even know about -- I just had to look for them and ask where I could find them.
Now, I don't have time to not eat a healthy meal. Now, I can't even imagine eating the way I used to eat -- I realize that the standard American Diet was sucking the life right out of me!
One way to see what you are really putting into your body is to keep a food journal. There are so many easy to use websites that have free calorie counters. It will open your eyes when you see that one cup of low-fat soup and half of a cafe sandwich at a local "healthy fast food alternative" contains over 100% of your daily sodium, or how just one hamburger can destroy your fat and caloric intake. There are so many better choices out there, and they are just as easy. You are so worth putting just a little effort into eating well. You can do it! I promise, it will change your life.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Good Experience

Well today I am one step closer to becoming a member of Grace Presbytery in Dallas. I met with the Committee of Ministry today and they have recommended me. It is always a bit stressful to go through examination, but the committee was very nice and welcoming, and they made me feel very comfortable. I was excited to meet such wonderful people. Thank you also to all of my friends and colleagues who were gracious enough to give me such wonderful references. Thank you to my family and friends for your support and encouragement through this entire process.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day at the Park

Today Jake and Emma went and studied in the park. It was a lot of fun! Jake was reading a book on Marco Polo and Emma was learning about Marie Antoinette. We had just picked the books up at the library and the kids were complaining about having to read them (they were too long and boring). However, after about ten minutes of reading they started piping up asking me, "Did you know that Marco Polo.....," or "Marie Antoinette was in prison for....." It was pretty cool that they were getting into their books. I wish we could study in the park every day -- it just makes all of the senses so much more alert and alive!
We took a picnic lunch and I had a wonderful salad with the season's best tomatoes -- so YUMMY! They were little yellow tomatoes -- I don't remember what they were called, but they were so sweet. I also had some goji berry trail mix (walnuts, raw pumpkin seeds, and raw sunflower seeds) and a pink lady apple (pink ladies are my favorite -- they have just the right amount of tart and sweet).
Summer is right around the corner and I have many inquiries as of late about a raw food lifestyle. I think many people are just trying to get in better shape for summer, but some are wanting something more from their foods. If you want to see what really living feels like then give it a try. Live raw foods will make your body and mind ready for living!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Excellent Spring Weekend

I have had a difficult time getting going today. Wayne was out of town all weekend so I missed my weekend and Monday came too soon for me this morning. I forced myself to get out of bed when the alarm went off at 4:45 this morning. I am glad I did, because by the time I finished at the gym I already felt a little better just knowing I had accomplished something.
I did a little experiment this weekend and ate lots more raw foods because my face was breaking out. Guess what, it significantly cleared up! I wish I would have taken a before and after picture. My body just agrees with raw foods. I know what works for it and I am going to stick with that.
The kids and I had fun this weekend, even though we missed Wayne. We were very active. We went on a 4 mile bike ride at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve and a 2.5 mile hike at the Heard Museum of Natural Science. It was a beautiful spring weekend for being outdoors. Phillip also had 2 soccer games. Needless to say I am exhausted and now it is only Monday! Off to bed for me!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Another Green Smoothie Day

I had a green smoothie day today! I have been noticing that ever since I started eating some cooked foods (mostly fish and beans) to try and get some protein back in my diet that my skin has started to break out again. So I did some research and discovered that Pea Protein and Hemp Protein are very good sources for vegans and have been trying them out. The first smoothie I had was strawberries, banana, orange, kale, with pea protein. The second was strawberry, banana, mango, kale, with help protein and 1/2 serving of pea protein. I must say they were quite tasty. I can't believe the hemp protein had 14 grams of fiber. Things ought to be moving well in the morning. It felt good to eat almost all fruits and veggies today. I feel as though I have much more energy and hopefully it will help me clear up my skin. I'll let you know.
My brother and sister-in-law are in town searching for a new home. It is such an exciting and stressful time in their lives (preparing to move a family to a new city is quite an undertaking), but we are so glad they will be moving close. It will be very nice to have family in the area! Phillip can't wait to play with his cousins and Emma can't wait to help babysit them. Jake is just excited. I hope they find the perfect house and that the move goes smoothly and just the way they want.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Raw Challenge

Just when I think I am over being sore I am sore all over again! Sore in a good way -- lets me know my muscles are working. Speaking of being in working order, I finally got my lab results back from when I went to the endocrinologist week before last. Sometimes my labs take a bit longer because they have to do some specialized calcium and protein tests that are sent off. That being said, IT WAS ALL GOOD NEWS!
My endocrinologist is so happy and proud of me! He said, "please don't change a thing, just keep doing exactly what you are doing." I am so EXCITED! I was typing up some information on raw diet resources for a woman that goes to our church who is interested in learning more about it, and I couldn't stress enough how much this lifestyle has changed everything for me. If you are curious, even the slightest bit -- I dare you to try a raw food diet (high in greens) for one week and see for yourself. One week -- you can do anything for one week, can't you? Start right now, make a commitment to yourself, and see how you can change your life, too!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Raw snacks

Fossil Rim was great fun today, as usual. Wayne's sister and brother-in-law got a kick out of the giraffe sticking its head into the car. We had a really good time. It was fun to watch someone else feed all of the animals for the first time. Neil was in the front seat and almost got baptized in giraffe slobber.

Some of you have asked me what I eat when we go "out of town." Today we took a cooler full of water, apples, grapes, oranges, and trail mix to snack on while we went through the park. It is not hard to pack fresh fruits for a day trip and the kids really like it. I also took some Larabars. They have lots of flavors so it is not hard to find something that everyone likes. If you have never eaten a Larabar, I highly recommend them, but please know they are mostly raw (most of them are around 96%). If you prefer a 100% raw bar, try Go RAW! bars which are also excellent.

Wayne's sister and her husband are amazed by how many fresh and organic food choices we have here. I am so very thankful to live in a place where such good food is available.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

sharing a raw food diet

We have been having a great time with Wayne's sister and brother-in-law! Yesterday was so beautiful -- we went down to Fair Park in Dallas and rode the swan paddle boats. It was a lot of fun. I could not believe how dirty and trashy it was down there, though. We saw lots of turtles and fish. We walked through the butterfly gardens and the butterfly conservatory, too. It was a perfect day to be outside.
This morning we went to church and after church it was raining so we just hung out at home and dyed Easter eggs. That was an experience! Our eggs are, well....let's just say they are interesting. I think the kids ate more than they actually dyed. Tomorrow we are taking them to Fossil Rim to see all of the animals. we are all looking forward to it!
They have been really interested in learning about my food and have really enjoyed drinking green smoothies in the mornings. They said that they definitely tasted a lot better than they looked. Wayne's sister's husband's mother has been eating raw foods for quite some time and I didn't even know that. They learned about a raw food diet when his father was diagnosed with cancer and given only 6 months to live. He started eating raw and lived five years! That being said, we have had some really interesting conversations about food and health. It is nice having them here.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What I eat that is not fruit or veggies

Wayne's sister is coming from Delaware tomorrow. My entire household is very excited! I hope everyone sleeps well, because boot camp will come awfully early in the morning. I went to Costco today to prepare and had a cart full of fruit and veggies. When I went through the check out lane the man running the cash register was looking at me really funny. He asked me if I ate all of this stuff (brilliant question, huh?).
I told him that I did. He asked, "Don't you get anything else?" I told him that I eat some other things, but mostly just raw fruits and veggies. He couldn't believe it. He said, "Well, you look very healthy so I shouldn't be surprised." I always find interesting the things people say when people comment on my diet. Usually people say, "I could never do that, but I wish I could." Other times people say, "Wow! That's really cool. Aren't you hungry though?" And almost everyone wants to know what I eat that is not fruit or vegetables.
Lately I have been eating raw seeds and nuts, some fish (some raw sashimi, but some cooked, too), raw protein from Source of Life, some sprouted breads and crackers, raw bars, and raw cookies.

Phillip's 1st trip to the beach

Phillip's 1st trip to the beach
"I love this place!"

Beautiful Emma

Beautiful Emma
"I'm a model."


"Where are my toes? I can't see my toes."