Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Great Green Smoothie Day!

I have had a great green smoothie day! They really make me feel so good! For breakfast I had a mango, banana, spinach smoothie -- just add ice and a little water and blend in the VitaMix. Then for lunch I had a Thai green soup from Victoria Boutenko's book Green Smoothie Revolution. Both were very yummy. I am hoping all those live greens will help me work out some of this muscle soreness. My poor quads and hamstrings are aching from boot camp.
I also found a really good website today for those of you who are trying to keep track of your calories. It is www.caloriecount.about.com -- I really like it because it also gives you an analysis of carbs, protein, and fats as well as the nutrients you have consumed over the day. That is really important for me because of my calcium issues, and this way I can see exactly how much dietary calcium I am getting. Check it out.
On a totally separate note, I have to get on my soap box for a moment. I have been reading about the Texas Board of Education's decision to change our history textbooks in order to rescue their language from liberal academia. How RIDICULOUS! This is the 2010 version of burning the books we don't want our teens to read. I never knew it was such a shame to be educated about capitalism, imperialism, and the consequences of how we have chosen to live. How will we ever learn from the past if we can't own up to the present?

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Phillip's 1st trip to the beach

Phillip's 1st trip to the beach
"I love this place!"

Beautiful Emma

Beautiful Emma
"I'm a model."


"Where are my toes? I can't see my toes."