Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What do Cowboys, exotic animals, and artichokes have in Common?

I am so EXCITED! My brother called me tonight and has 2 extra box seat tickets to tomorrow's Dallas Cowboys game, and I get to go! For those of you who don't know I am a native Texan and therefore a natural born Cowboys fan. My husband, Wayne, is a HUGE Eagles fan. I am dragging him along "kicking and screaming." I actually think he is excited about going. He says, "It's worth it just to see the new stadium." Don't worry -- I will make a Cowboys fan out of him yet.

I am also excited because we booked Phillip's birthday party tonight. His birthday is not until October, but his party sounds so cool! It is going to be at our home, and a wildlife expert is going to come and show the kids some exotic animals (all of which have been rescued) and present a program on conservation. We are going to collect gifts for the Humane Society in lieu of gifts for Phillip. We can take them to the actual shelter here they will use the gifts and he can see where and how the things/money he collects will be used. This will be much better than having a rand new set of toys to clutter his room.

The other thing I did today was make roasted artichokes. I know, they are not raw, but I had never had one and was eager to try, and they are vegan, after all. It wasn't hard to make, just a little time consuming at first. When Wayne came home he looked puzzled and was not very excited about eating artichokes for dinner. However, they were delicious, and surprisingly very filling! Turns out they have tons of fiber (10.3 grams to be exact). When I told my brother (who is a chef) what I was making he called the heart the treasure and it really was the best part. Wayne can't wait to have them again. Overall it has been a very good day!

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"I'm a model."


"Where are my toes? I can't see my toes."