The book I is by Victoria Boutenko, 12 Steps to Raw Foods. I have just finished Part I and I already highly recommend it. I am learning so much. While my family is benefiting from my eating raw foods, I still cook for them and they are still eating animal products. They get much more raw foods than they previously did and eat much less cooked food and animal products, but I am wondering if it is enough. Just this week Phillip has had borderline pneumonia and Emma has complained of headaches and her ear hurting. Funny thing is that this afternoon when she complained about another headache I made her a huge green smoothie (which she loved), and within a half hour her headache was gone. Coincidence, possibly, but I don't think so.
How do I get kids to drink greens? Easy. They taste good! I promise. Just try it. Here is the recipe for the one I made today:
two large handfuls of spinach
1 cup papaya
2 ripe bananas
2 kiwis
1 cup of water (good water)
2 cups of ice (made from good water)
1 -2 tablespoons of agave nectar
Blend all ingredients in the Vita mix.
My kids gave me a face when they saw the color, but once I convinced them to taste it, they loved it! I hope you do, too!
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