Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rough Day turned Good: Elevation

This morning started out rough! As many of you know, I home school our two oldest children (ages 10 and 12). Our youngest (Phillip, age 4) started a Spanish immersion kindergarten this year. He goes to school from 9 am - 2 pm so that I can work with Jake and Emma on their lessons. This morning was particularly crazy as Wayne is out of town and Jake and Emma both had difficult lessons this morning that they needed help understanding. Phillip wanted to play with me and I was trying to help Emma with grammar. I kept telling him we would play before his school started, but I simply ran out of time. So, Emma was upset because she didn't understand her lesson, Phillip was crying because he had to go to school and "we didn't get a chance to play yet, Mommy." Jake was upset because he couldn't concentrate on math for all of the noise from his siblings. Unfortunately, I was stressed to the max and told Phillip to quit crying and get in the car, Emma to suck it up and do the best she can (in a not so nice tone of voice), and Jake to just be patient for a few more minutes so that I could get Phillip to school.
Needless to say, I felt horrible! I dropped Phillip off at school and cried half of the way home. The day just did not start like I had wanted it to start! Then I thought of a quote in the book I am reading that had inspired me the night before. It is from Walden by Henry David Thoreau,
"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of humanity (man) to elevate his/her life by a conscious endeavor."(italics mine)
After throwing my small pity party, I made a conscious choice that the day would get better. I had Jake and Emma gather their books and we headed for a change of scenery. We went to a local grocery store, got a good 2nd breakfast, and sat in their dining area and did multiplication tables and grammar with much more success than earlier that morning. We did get behind on our goals for the day, but decided we would make up our Beowulf reading on Saturday. When I picked Phillip up from school I was ready to play and we sang silly songs.
The day improved greatly! I am, however, still frustrated with our pace in some subjects and need to do some re-thinking of our school schedule. We will get it together, though, I am confident of that. This morning I felt like a failure and this evening I felt like a million dollars when Phillip kissed me goodnight and told me he couldn't wait to play again tomorrow. This morning I felt like a horrible teacher. This evening when I discussed with Jake and Emma how we were going to make up the reading that we missed, I felt like a mentor when they said they couldn't wait to find out what happened to Beowulf next and couldn't we just stay up a little later to finish it. Funny how that happens.
Now I am sitting in the (finally) quiet house. It is good to be still. It is good to be quiet. I caught up on notes from friends and am encouraged that several of you are beginning your own raw food journeys tomorrow. I am so excited that the people I love are taking care of themselves! My best advice is to listen to your bodies -- they will tell you what they need, and to make a conscious endeavor to take care of yourself and your health. As long as you do that your life will be elevated! I am definitely encouraged!

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Phillip's 1st trip to the beach

Phillip's 1st trip to the beach
"I love this place!"

Beautiful Emma

Beautiful Emma
"I'm a model."


"Where are my toes? I can't see my toes."