Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Loving my Raw Food

I am feeling so much better today and glad to be back on my raw food diet! My mind and my mood felt so much better this morning and my energy level has been consistent throughout the day! I am very glad to be feeling like myself again. I have gotten used to the fact that my food choices can improve my physiological health, but it continues to amaze me how much my food can affect the way I feel. I guess this is because I have gone through my whole life not knowing that my food choices could make me FEEL this good! I would have never thought that what I ate could have such noticeable impact on my general sense of well-being.
Before a raw food diet, I thought it "felt" good to eat things like a cheeseburger, a beef chimichanga, macaroni and cheese, or a plateful of lasagna because they were "comfort foods." Now I realize that those things didn't make me feel good at all. They didn't comfort me -- they made me feel comfortable with a "be happy with less than life really has to offer me" attitude. They made me complacent, fat, and numb to all of the wonderful things that life really has to offer. Raw foods give me the energy, clarity of mind, and drive to go for what I really want out of life, namely LOVE, SPIRITUAL WHOLENESS, CONFIDENCE in myself and my choices, INTENTION and PURPOSEFULNESS, ENJOYMENT OF MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY, and THE APPRECIATION OF THE BEAUTY THE WORLD OFFERS ME EACH AND EVERY DAY through nature, food, people, self, art, and music.
I have had many of you tell me that you really like it when I put recipes or things that I ate today on here. So, today I had a wonderful shake -- 2 large handfuls of spinach, the water and meat of a YOUNG coconut, 2 peaches, a mango, and juice from one orange. It was very good and about 32 ounces. I had some trail mix and a banana for a snack. The trail mix had raw pumpkin seeds, coconut flakes, dried Turkish apricots, raisins, raw cashews, and raw walnuts in it. For dinner I made zucchini pasta with garlic dressing (I posted that recipe with a picture a couple weeks ago).

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