Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy Anniversary to me!

Yesterday was my 16th wedding anniversary. Wayne took off of work and we ran some errands, planned some remodeling of Jake's bathroom, and went to Phillip's "meet and greet" at Kindergarten. It was a busy day. We did manage to make some time to have dinner together alone last night. Then we did a little shopping because both of us have lost so much weight that our clothes are not fitting very well these days. I know it doesn't sound very romantic, but it was a lot of fun!
I tried on a size 6 pair of jeans which fit perfectly! I wore a size 6 on our wedding day. When I comfortably put my hands in the pockets, I had such a sense of confidence and accomplishment! Two years ago I thought I would never again wear a size 6 in my life! Despite eating and never cheating on "South Beach" or "The Zone" and hours of exercise, my body was stuck in an unhealthy state of being. I felt horrible and my body reflected on the outside how I was feeling on the inside. Yesterday, when I looked in the mirror, I liked what I saw. Not only did I fit into the jeans, but I FIT back into my life as a wife, a mother, a friend, and a woman. What I saw in the mirror was a reflection of what I was feeling inside -- a vibrant and healthy young woman who has the world by the tail. It has been a long time since I felt that way.
I was so inspired by our shopping excursion that when we got home I decided to try on the dress that I wore as we left our wedding reception 16 years ago. Yes, I have kept it in my closet all of these years for sentimental reasons and as "my skinny dress." Funny thing is, it was a little bit big. Fitting into that dress was wonderful, but not near as satisfying as I thought it would be -- I can't believe I wore shoulder pads that big! lol. I will try and post pictures later.
I cannot believe we have been married for 16 years! I feel so blessed to be with Wayne. Eating Raw has given me my life back and I can't wait to see what the next 16 years will bring! I have a feeling that the best is yet to come.

1 comment:

  1. Katy, you are truly motivating me! I'm wondering if I could go raw for breakfast as a starter. Hmmmm . . . The smoothies sound do-able. I've never even considered it before, but you look so good and sound so good. !!! Would you mind telling me what your health problems were? I am fighting a health issue right now too and am supposed to lose weight which the doctor says will be more difficult than the average person. I've started exercising and now am looking at my diet. Any recommendations would be wonderful!


Phillip's 1st trip to the beach

Phillip's 1st trip to the beach
"I love this place!"

Beautiful Emma

Beautiful Emma
"I'm a model."


"Where are my toes? I can't see my toes."