Sunday, September 20, 2009

A little Boo-Boo

This weekend was very busy! Jake had a youth car wash that we volunteered to help as "quality control" on Saturday. That took most of the day. The sun was out, though, and it was a very nice day to be outside. It was the first day in about 10 days that it wasn't raining. Saturday night Wayne and I went to Octoberfest in a nearby city (I know, it is still September and it makes no sense). It was fun. We met up with some friends and went to a bar afterwards. Wayne and I ordered a hummus plate. Hummus isn't technically raw, but it was pretty close and not a bad choice for restaurant food, especially because it was served with raw veggies. Our friends had lots of questions about how I was eating and if I was hungry. It was neat to be answering so many questions and feel so good about the decisions I have made for myself and my health.
This morning we went to church and then Emma and I went for a little girl time while Wayne took the boys to the driving range. Emma and I were enjoying our afternoon out when I got a slightly panicked call from Wayne. He was on his way to the emergency room because Phillip had run up behind Jake while Jake was swinging his club and he got smacked with the club. Thank God it hit him just below his lower lip and not in the head. Phillip had a hole in his mouth where the club cut him straight through. Needless to say, Emma and I spent our afternoon and most of the evening in the ER, too. Poor Phillip. He was a trooper, though, and did very well while they sewed him up -- 5 stitches. Jake felt horrible and would not leave his side.
Phillip says he doesn't want to play golf ever again. Maybe he will change his mind once he feels better. I hope the green smoothies will help him heal quickly.

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Phillip's 1st trip to the beach

Phillip's 1st trip to the beach
"I love this place!"

Beautiful Emma

Beautiful Emma
"I'm a model."


"Where are my toes? I can't see my toes."