Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thinking about Change and the Future

Have you ever had that vague feeling that you are just ready to do something more in your life? Do you ever get bored or tired with the status quo and think, "there has got to be more to life than this." My purpose is haunting me -- if only it would just be blunt with me and tell me where I need to be and exactly what skills I need to cultivate and develop so I can get there. That would be nice. I feel myself getting tired of waiting around for life to happen to me. Last time I got this way I drastically changed my eating patterns and changed my life. I improved my health and wowed my doctors. Now I can feel something brewing again.
It makes me both nervous and excited to feel this way. I think the hardest part of wanting more out of life or for myself is making the decision to do something about it. It is always scary to disrupt the status quo and adopt a new habit or way of being. The letting go of what is and has been is always scary. Then there is the not knowing what is next and how you will respond to what is just around the corner.
Right now I am going to live with this uneasy feeling and embrace it. I am going to face it head on, I am going to pray about it, meditate on it, keep making healthy choices for myself and my family, and know that I will know the next step when the time comes.

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