Today, the kids and I finished Canterbury Tales. They really liked it! It was fun. Tomorrow they are writing their own Canterbury Tale, so it should be interesting to say the least.
I am feeling myself starting to get a bit anxious about Christmas. It is closing in fast and I have so much to do. I feel like I was ready to get it all done at the beginning of November and held myself back thinking it was "too early," and now that it is mid- December I can't get myself going. Maybe my morning smoothie will help me in that department, too.
Wayne went to the Kiss concert here last night. He was so excited. He took his brother as an early Christmas present (he is a huge fan), but I don't know who had more fun! He must have called me 20 time telling me what cool thing they were doing. However, we are very tired! We did not get to bed until after 1:00 A.M. I couldn't sleep because I was waiting on him to get home, and then he told me all about it before we went to bed. Needless to say, I am holding my eyelids open as we speak and a green smoothie can only do so much.
Great plan to get that motor running with the super duper green smoothie. :) Yum!